Optional Activities

Thank you for your interest in practicing the French language at home!
See your child's grade level for an at-home French activity.

These activities are not required. Your main focus should still be on math and literacy as laid out by your child's classroom teacher.

Grade 1
1. Practice your counting in French! Sort items in your house into groups of 10-20. Count them in French! How high can you go? How many piles did you make? Challenge yourself to count to 20, using THIS video to help you.

2. Work on "les parties du corps"!
Re-watch, and sing and dance along to Tete, Epaules, Genoux et Pieds
Click HERE to complete the page and fill in the body parts on the picture OR draw and label your own picture!

Grade 2
1. Every day in French, we would do the calendar and weather. The format looks like this:
"C'est le lundi, le 4 mai 2020. C'est le printemps. Il fait beau."
Practice saying the date for every day this week. Look up what the weather will be each day, and apply the correct phrase to your sentence. What would you say for your birth date? What about the birthday of your family members?

Use the following videos for guidance:

2. Work on "les animaux domestiques"!
Watch this video to refresh your memory on les animaux domestiques.
Click HERE for other related activities.

Grade 3
1. Refresh your memory about "la maison!"
"La maison" means "the house." There are 5 rooms in a house that we talked about: "le salon," "la salle de bain," "la chambre," "la salle a manger," and "la cuisine."

  • Dans le salon, il y a un canape, une television, un tapis, une etagere et une fenetre
  • Dans la cuisine, il y a un frigo, un four, un micro-onde et une poubelle
  • Dans la salle a manger, il y a une table, une chaise, des rideaux et une porte
  • Dans la salle de bain, il y a une toilette, une baignoire, une douche, un lavabo et un miroir
  • Dans la chambre, il y a un lit, une commode, une lampe, un bureau et un oreiller
Using THIS page as a guide, and with your parents' permission, label 10 items in your house in French. 
Click HERE to do a word search related to these house words.

2. Work on "les vêtements" and describing them!
Click HERE to review how to describe different types of clothes and a corresponding activity.